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Special Orders


Also known as Pedido Especial or PE.


The spirit about this type of order is about the URGENT request a public hospital might have when attending a dying citizen.

Bad planification

It is known that the Pedido Especial orders are concecuence of a bad planification with the schedule orders (intermediacion)


The Pedido Especial order type, is a type of order with particular rules.

It is mainly used by the public institutions as complement order for the schedule orders.


Subtype definition

The subtype is define by the public institution and it is NOT set by Cenabast

Any Pedido Especial can have 3 subtypes:

  • Urgent
  • Weekly
  • More than 60 days.
  • If the Pedido Especial order is URGENT, Cenabast must process the order within 3 days.
  • If the Pedido Especial order is WEEKLY, Cenabast must process the order within 5 business days.


All products are allowed

All products are ALLOWED within a Pedido Especial order.
So the public insittution does not have any restriction within the product catalog.

Delivery Time


There is fix date of 10 business days for Vendors to deliver the order.


Order acceptance

Vendors are allowed to REJECT or ACCEPT a Pedido Especial order using their own criteria.

custom Vendor requiremnts

Each Vendor has specific requiremnts, for example:\

  • Vendor A does not accept orders before day 19th of each month.
  • Vendor B does only accept orders in the first week of each month.