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✅ It's main activity is the consolidation of purchases of products from multiple health institutions
✅ The business objetive is to obtain lower prices for the whole public health system.

Individual Year Forecast

Cenabast send a request to each health institution (~850) to estimate a 12 or 18 month proyection. For example, "Hospital A" has estimated the following product proyection for the next 12 months for products “ABC”, “XYZ” y “JKL”:

💣Product distinction 💣

There are two types of products:
ZGEN 👉 Generic product component request, unbranded. (ex. "Paracetamolum 500 mg")
ZCEN 👉 Branded product, after a Seller has won an auction.
Check more info here



Cenabast raise forecast information from each public institution.
Forecast is estimated monthly.
The forecast is for the Generic product (ZGEN)

Grouped Year Forecast


Cenabast then groups each individual monthly forecast for all institutions.

Following the example, the following image shows the group (consolidated) forecast proyection for all health institutions:

Forecast Image.png


👉 Next step it to create a public bidding auction.