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This doc explains how the MageAI is used in the Cenabast proyect

See also:

MageAI is be used as a Middleman in charge of recolecting information from Cenabast APIs and ingesting them into the Spree aplication via its Rest API.


MageAI is currently used for the product sincronization service

A data pipeline can be created for each pipeline we want to create.

Data pipeline creation Guidelines:

  • The pipeline is scheduled to run every X hours
  • The pipeline requests a token, request information from 1-N APIs, and merge that information
  • The pipeline injects the information to the Spree Aplication via an API request
    • Spree native API must be used. Prefering to decorate the less amount possible.


MageAI service is present in the docker-compose.yml file. By default it will run when starting the services. On dvelopment environments, it can be accessed via http://localhost:6789/.

Important environment variables


    • Root URL to use

    • Base path that points to the root of the API to use

    • API User to obtain a token from

    • Password of the API user